

[heading size=”h2″ style=”uk-module-title”]Alerts[/heading]

To emphasize a point with an alert box, use the [alert] shortcode

[alert]Do not dwell in the past, do not dream of the future, concentrate the mind on the present moment.[/alert] [line_break/] [badge style=”note uk-margin-top”]markup[/badge]

[code][alert]Your alert message here[/alert] [/code]

[line_break/] [heading size=”h3″ style=”uk-module-title”]Color variations[/heading]

You can change the color scheme of the alert box by adding the following styles: success, warning, or danger

[alert style=”success”]Do not dwell in the past, do not dream of the future, concentrate the mind on the present moment.[/alert] [alert style=”warning”]Do not dwell in the past, do not dream of the future, concentrate the mind on the present moment.[/alert] [alert style=”danger”]Do not dwell in the past, do not dream of the future, concentrate the mind on the present moment.[/alert] [line_break/] [badge style=”note uk-margin-top”]markup[/badge]

[code][alert style=”success”]Your alert message here[/alert] [/code]

[line_break/] [heading size=”h3″ style=”uk-module-title”]Closable alerts[/heading]

To add a close button to an alert, use the close-button parameter in the alert shortcode

[alert close-button style=”success”]Do not dwell in the past, do not dream of the future, concentrate the mind on the present moment[/alert] [alert close-button style=”danger”]Do not dwell in the past, do not dream of the future, concentrate the mind on the present moment[/alert] [line_break/] [badge style=”note uk-margin-top”]markup[/badge]

[code][alert close-button style=”danger”]Your alert message here[/alert] [/code]

[line_break/] [heading size=”h3″ style=”uk-module-title”]Size modifier[/heading]

To create a large alert with added padding, use the uk-alert-large style in the alert shortcode.

[alert close-button style=”success uk-alert-large”] [heading size=”h3″ style=”uk-module-title”]We are because of you[/heading]

All of all our customers are happy with our current and upcoming projects. The other 5% are learning the secret of appreciating good stuff. It is possible for you to do whatever you choose, if you first get to know who you are

[/alert] [line_break/] [badge style=”note uk-margin-top”]markup[/badge]

[code][alert close-button style=”success uk-alert-large”] [heading size=”h3″ style=”uk-module-title”]We are because of you[/heading] <p>All of all our customers are happy with our current and upcoming projects. The other 5% are learning the secret of appreciating good stuff. It is possible for you to do whatever you choose, if you first get to know who you are</p> [/alert] [/code] [line_break/] [divider/] [line_break/] [heading size=”h2″ style=”uk-module-title”]Badges[/heading]

You can use badges to highlight a segment of text within your content by using the [badge] shortcode

[badge]new[/badge] [badge]legend[/badge] [badge]note[/badge] [line_break/][line_break/] [badge style=”note uk-margin-top”]markup[/badge] [code][badge]new[/badge] [/code] [line_break/] [heading size=”h3″ style=”uk-module-title”]Color variations[/heading]

You can change the color scheme of the badge by adding the following styles: note, success, warning, or danger. You can also use the uk-badge-notification to have a rounded badge, normally used with numbering.

[badge style=”success”]new[/badge] [badge style=”warning”]legend[/badge] [badge style=”danger”]note[/badge] [badge style=”note”]normal[/badge][line_break/][line_break/] [badge style=”note uk-badge-notification”]1[/badge] [badge style=”note uk-badge-notification”]2[/badge] [badge style=”note uk-badge-notification”]3[/badge] [badge style=”note uk-badge-notification”]4[/badge] [badge style=”note uk-badge-notification”]5[/badge] [line_break/][line_break/] [badge style=”note uk-margin-top”]markup[/badge]

[code][badge style=”success”]new[/badge] [badge style=”warning”]legend[/badge] [badge style=”danger”]note[/badge] [badge style=”note”]normal[/badge] [badge style=”note uk-badge-notification”]1[/badge][/code]